Share your Success

One of the best part of Wattvision is the community aspect. Your energy saving data is meant to be shared, whether that is with your tenants or your family, they too need to know how much energy they are using in order for you to successfully reduce your energy use. There two ways to do this. 
The first way to do this is to create a shareable link. This allows anyone with the link to view the data but not make modifications to your account. This is good for sharing information with individuals because they can each access what information is relevant to them.
The second way to share information is by add a widget to your personal website or blog. This is a good way to share information with multiple people at once and the information given in the widget is more general.

Keep reading for setup instructions.

Sharable Link

1. On your "My House" page, click on "Sharing"

2. If this is your first time sharing your Wattvision Data, you will have to create a sharable link by clicking on "Create Share Link"

3. Now that your "Share Link" is created, share it with all the people you trust with your energy use information.

4. The "Share Link" allows anyone with it to view your data, but not to make any changes to your account. This is what the site looks like from the "Share Link"


1. On your "My House" Page, click on the "Widget" link
2. Copy and paste the code into your website or blog.