New Feature: Weekly History Heat Map

Attention Wattvisionaries! We are introducing a new feature to our site called Weekly Energy Heat Map. This tool allows you to select a week an of data and view your energy in a chromatic way. When you log in to your account, you can select weekly view and easy see when you were the most and least efficient in your energy use. We know that sometimes it's hard to understand all your energy use data or maybe you don't have time to check our usage every day so we are providing you with an easy and visual tool that quickly lets you understand when you are using your most energy on a larger scale. Our goal is to make energy sustainability second nature for all of our users, and through this feature and some new ones we are working on, hopefully, we can come closer to achieving that goal. Make sure you log on and check out your Heat Map.

This feature was requested by one of our users, if you have a feature request please reach out and contact us at and we will work on adding it to our site!